On Friday 25th November 2022, Ms Ruth Mansueto, Assistant Head, delivered a presentation on an Erasmus project in which our school is participating. Last May, the Erasmus+ Project – 2021-1-MT01-KA220-SCH-000024219 INCLUSION² Creative Co-Creation Design Processes in Diverse Teams Contributing To Inclusive Schools for a Sustainable Future project was launched in Malta. Our school, which is coordinating this project, is collaborating with Aeres Hogeschool – Netherlands, DHOS Bruge – Belgium and Warnborough College – Ireland for this project.
During the presentation, Ms Ruth explained the work that has been carried out so far. The project is still in its initial stages, yet a lot of work has already been carried out. The Project Inclusion² ’s main aims are, to contribute to a more inclusive education and learning for a sustainable future, to support teachers, school leaders and other education professionals to develop a more inclusive education for a sustainable future as well as use the diversity of teams to creatively co-create design processes to reach the objectives and develop a frame of thinking to support these design processes.
This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and supported by the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA).